How to make a donation

Click to download a form : StarBuddy donation form or print this page.

Donation for – StarBuddy Charitable Trust:


For every $500, we will arrange to make a ‘StarPledge’ on your behalf. It is hoped to encourage organisations like Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Women’s Clubs, Country Music Clubs, RSA’s etc. to come on board and support a child/charity in their area and also St John Ambulance who do a wonderful job in the community. Of course we welcome private donations as well.

As the donor, you will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from StarBuddy Charitable Trust . We are a registered Charitable Trust so all donations are tax deductible. A child will be selected in your area and we will discuss with the family what gift or treat would be most appropriate for that child.

I/We wish to purchase _____ StarPledges @ $500 each – I/We enclose a cheque for $__________ payable to StarBuddy Charitable Trust. StarBuddy Charitable Trust is registered under the Charitable Trust Act #50839 – A Tax receipt will be sent to you.

Name _______________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________

Telephone/E-mail ___________________________________________

Please print this form and post to:

Joy Adams
StarBuddy Charitable Trust
B19/28 Edward Avenue,
Pukemiro, RD1, Huntly, 3771

Mobile 0274583955




We welcome any donation to help us support Charities associated with Children dealing with severe illness & special needs. The concept is that the money you donate will stay in your town/city wherever possible. A child will receive a very personalized gift or treat, the charity they are associated with benefits financially from your donation as does each local branch of St John Ambulance.

Yes, I/We would like to make a Donation. I/We enclose a cheque for $__________ payable to StarBuddy Charitable Trust. StarBuddy Charitable Trust is registered under the Charitable Trust Act #50839 – A Tax receipt will be sent to you.

Name ____________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________

Telephone/E-mail ________________________________________

Please print this form and post to:

Joy Adams
StarBuddy Charitable Trust
B19/28 Edward Avenue,
Pukemiro, RD1. Huntly
Mobile 0274583955

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StarBuddy is all about giving back to the community. We have the support of some fabulous entertainers throughout NZ and Australia. Together we have created a couple of wonderful CD's which we sell along with other merchandise to create donations to various charities, groups and organisations working with children dealing with special needs, severe illness and disability. From time to time we create events for our kids.